Engineering Sciences
Transport, fate & management of emerging contaminants & endocrine disruptors in selected vulnerable mangrove swamps in India
Decision support system & software development for realtime water quantity & quality management of Tunga-Bhadra river system of tropical India
Development of biosensor for bi-aromatic group pollutants & surveillance of water quality
Fenton-process adapted for deactivation of antimicrobial resistant genes & antibiotic removal using passivation-by passed Fe-alloy, rate-controlled using photo-activity
Development of opt-electrochemical sensor for pesticide & Ion detection in drinking & irrigation water
Nano zerovalent iron-graphene oxide composite for enhanced biodegradation of wastewater. A novel strategy for boosting biogas production
Recovery of yttrium from spent process water after uranium extraction using surface modified magnetic core-shell zirconium oxide nanoparticles
Electrochemical sensing of sulfamethoxazole antibiotic in water at GO/ZnO nanocomposites - modified electrodes- Optimization & real time measurement
Removing contaminants from drinking water using rational design of transition metal catalysts
Antimicrobial peptide graphene decorated anti-biofouling Reverse Osmosis RO membranes for desalination & water recycling