Engineering Sciences
Investigation of van der waals hetero-structures of transition metal Di-Chalcogenides (Mx2) & tin-Di-Chalcogenides (Snx2) for broad-band photodetector design
Characterization, evaluation & modeling of passing behavior on two-lane highways using naturalistic driving data in disordered traffic
Diffusion & oxidation kinetics of Ta-modified B Titanium aluminides for aerospace applications
Design & development of a three dimensional printer based on shape memory alloy smart actuator & Micro stereo-lithography (Msl) technique
Composite structures under shock & high velocity impact
Effect of jet pulsation on reacting jet in crossflow
Data driven automated diagnosis of cyber physical failures of smart grid assets
Flexible triboelectric nanogenerator using textile structural engineering for energy harvesting
Understanding the deformation mechanisms under in-plane shear & role of pre-twinning on formability behavior of Az31-Xca Mg alloy sheets
Resource-optimized fog computing for smart healthcare application in lot-enabled heterogeneous networks