Engineering Sciences
Fabrication of 12V, 500F supercapacitor device assembly
CSIR Innovation Centre for Next Generation Energy Storage Solutions
Medical Instruments and Devices
Design and Development of a Portable Personal Air Purifying Respiratory Device
Development of efficient synthetic protocol of high temperature (= 1200 °C) stable anatase TiO2: A technological challenge for self-cleaning ceramic tiles industries
Development of Graphene-Based Materials as Booster dose Additives to Fully Formulated Engine oil for enhancement of Lubrication Properties
Design and development of nanostructured hybrid materials comprising a semiconductor light harvester and molecular complex for photo-electrochemical reduction of CO2 to methanol
Nanometal engrained Agro waste based Dielectric materials for Embedded Capacitors (NanoDEC)
Design of Novel Luminescent Materials For White Light-Emitting Devices Application
Development of Microbial based process for Bio-cement, Bio-brick and self-healing concrete using locally available resources