

CHNSO Elemental Analyzer

Make Model: 
Perkin Elmer 2400
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Simultaneous determination of C, H, N; and/or the determination of Sulphur and Oxygen in the samples.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Accuracy: +0.3%
Ultra- microbalance
Liquid sample handling kit
Type of facility: 
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Meta Tagging: 
NEHU, Elemental Analyzer, Sulphur, Oxygen

Transmission Electron Microscope

Make Model: 
Jeol JEM 2100
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Study of ultra-structures of biological samples; Characterization of nano particles, determination of crystal shape, angles and orientation, crystal- defect, electron diffraction studies etc.; High resolution digital micrographs on CD.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Resolution: 1.4? (Lattice) to 1.9 ?(point to point) Accelerating Voltage: 60-200 KV in 50 V steps. Tilt: ? 25o Magnification: With standard specimen gives x50 to 1,500,000. High Resolution Gatan CCD Camera (2.672x2.672K). Ultramicrotome
Type of facility: 
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Meta Tagging: 
NEHU, Transmission electron microscope, biological samples, nano particles

Scanning Electron Microscope

Make Model: 
Jeol JSM 6360
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Surface topographic studies of microstructures on bulk specimens of biological/non-biological nature. The SEM can accommodate 4 mm diameter specimen and allows observing full coverage of specimen with X, Y and R (rotation) movements of the specimen stage.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Magnification: upto 3,00,000x
Resolution: 3 nm
Acc. voltage: upto 30 kV (55 steps)
Maximum Specimen size: 4.0 mm
Fully computer controlled.
Type of facility: 
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Meta Tagging: 
NEHU, Scanning electron microscope, biological, non-biological

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Make Model: 
GBC 932
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Trace element analysis of elements including Al, As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Si, Sn, Zn etc. in rock/ore, soil, water, biological samples etc.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Detection limit: ppm/ppb
Graphite furnace
Hydride generator for As & Hg
Type of facility: 
Nagpur University
Meta Tagging: 
Nagpur University, Spectrometer, Atomic absorption

HPLC coupled with Amino Acid Analyzer

Make Model: 
Simadzu LC10AT
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Separation and detection of different compounds of complex mixtures in the areas of biochemicals, clinical chemistry, agro-chemistry, environment, food industry and pharmaceutical industry etc.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Flow rates range: 0.001 to 9.99 ml/min
CLC ODS (C-18), CLC-C8, CLC-NH2, Diol 150 & 300, and Shampack IC-A & IC-C columns
PDA, Refractive Index, Fluorescence, Electrochemical and Conductivity detectors
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Aminoacid analyzer, Biochemicals, clinical chemistry, agro-chemistry

CHNSO Elemental Analyzer

Make Model: 
Elementar Vario EL III
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Estimation of C, H, N, S, O in solid and liquid samples
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Precision >0.1%abs, Auto sampler, Ultra microbalance
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Elemental analyzer

GC-Mass Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Varian 1200L
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Separation/identification of organic compounds
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Single quadrapole, EI Mass range: 10-800 amu Resolution: 1 amu NIST library
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Spectrometer, Organic compounds

FT-IR Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Thermo Nicolet Avatar 370
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
FT-IR spectra of solid and liquid samples
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Range: 4000- 400 cm-1 FT-IR database for identification of unknown compounds HATR Assembly
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Spectrometer


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