
Astronomy & Space Sciences

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Design and Demonstration of Empty and Foam Filled Honeycomb Structures for Energy Absorption During Crash/Impact


Astronomy & Space Sciences

Focus Area:

Structural Engineering


Under Development

Social Benefits:

The project being undertaken by ISRO in collaboration with academia is directly or indirectly beneficial to the society.

Developing Agency:

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, Maharashtra

Source Title:

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)- Department of Space (DOS) 2022-2024

Brief Description

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Description :

The project explores the response of conventional aluminium honeycomb and foam filled aluminium honeycomb structure against static and dynamic load through experimental and numerical analysis which will provide a guideline to develop light weight structures offering better energy absorption before collapse. Proof of concept of product capable of withstanding designed crash/impact load is also being attempted. This study will lead to the development of indigenous data for empty and foam filled sandwich structures.

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