
Astronomy & Space Sciences

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Development of earth abundant organic materials as cathode for high energy density solid-state Li-ion batteries


Astronomy & Space Sciences

Focus Area:

Energy Storage and Materials Science


Under Development

Social Benefits:

The project being undertaken by ISRO in collaboration with academia is directly or indirectly beneficial to the society.

Developing Agency:

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Source Title:

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)- Department of Space (DOS) 2022-2024

Brief Description

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Description :

The study will embark on the development of novel organic materials with redox-active chemical groups that undergo insertion and release of Li-ions in a reversible manner, possessing optimal storage capacity and structural stability to yield cathode material delivering specific capacity upwards of 200 mAh/g for SSLBs. In addition, excellent charge-discharge operational stability exceeding 1000 cycles and high charge/discharge rate (up to 2C) will also be demonstrated. High energy density > 250 Wh/kg of SSLBs will be attempted by implementing the combination of OEM cathode and lithium anode. Finally, the goal will be to lower the overall cost of energy storage by using earth-abundant materials, low temperature and facile solution-based processing techniques.

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