Description : | Most of the functions, public meetings are generally held inside the shamiyanas, pandals, temporary shelters and tents made of canvas. Canvas is a thick cotton fabric, which is generally used to fabricate the temporary shelter. The canvas cloth is generally used for erecting of tents and temporary shelters. Temporary shelters are erected in the open and directly exposed to the formidable weathering conditions. Canvas is chemically made of cellulose fibers that are flammable and ignite very rapidly and water can percolate through it very easily. Therefore, fire and water are the main problems of the temporary shelter made of canvas. Many fire incidents occur in temporary shelters made of cotton canvas every year all over the world which resulted into large number of casualties and loss of properties. CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee has developed a technology to render cotton canvas fire retardant with enhanced water repellency and tear strength through surface coating. Coating was prepared by reacting fire retardant additives and plasticizers with co-polymers and organic hydrocarbon compounds. |