
Energy Sciences, Engineering Sciences

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Industrial Energy Management System (iEMS) based on LonWorks Technology


Energy Sciences, Engineering Sciences

Focus Area:

Energy Management

Social Benefits:

The EMS can be used as a tool for energy accounting / analyzing in industries, sub-stations commercial establishments ; The EMS system calculates the Specific energy consumption (SEC) Maximum demand and generates control signals for taking appropriate actions; Better utilization of energy in industry Energy conservation ; Provide smooth operation ; Ensure safety for both operating personnel and the environment

Developing Agency:

CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology Integrated

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Brief Description

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Description :

The Energy Management System (EMS) acquires data from different energy-consuming areas in various sections of the plant and logs the information and generates reports. This information can be used for taking appropriate action by generating control signals leading to improvement in energy efficiency. Based on the online measured data and the manually fed production data, the specific energy consumption figures are calculated and displayed. The system can monitor up to 1024 (physical/electrical nodes based on LonWorks). The system has been demonstrated in various industrial sectors like Petrochemical, textile, paper pulp, and engineering industries.

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