Engineering Sciences
Indigenous cost effective noninvasive device for patient specific respiratory motion management in high precision image guided radiotherapy treatment
Development & testing of a wearable device for the early detection of a cartilage damage in a knee stepping towards as Osteoarthritis condition using acoustic emission
Non invasive diagnosis of breast cancer using ultrasound based liquid biopsy in a point of care setting
Point of care AI technology based X-ray imaging device for automated early diagnosis of viral respiratory diseases
Pnoi-phone-a device for diagnosis & monitoring of obstructive lung diseases using simultaneous vocal & lung breath sounds
Postoperative noninvasive monitoring device for micro vascular free flaps in microsurgical reconstruction in head & neck tumors
Development of low-cost indigenous High Flow Nasal Canula (HFNC) device for non-invasive ventilation amid Covid-19 pandemic
Development of a device for the detection of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis causal agent of Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Smart TVNS- A device that uses closed loop technology & machine learning to optimize non invasive Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation (TVNS) for refractory Epilepsy monitoring & treatment
Design & development of 16 channel funcional near infrared spectroscopy system for measuring hemodynamic in brain prefrontal cortex