Engineering Sciences
Experimental identification of laminar to turbulent transition & separation locations using in-house made temperature sensitive paint in wings & launch vehicles
Experimental investigation of leading edge bluntness on heat transfer rate & flow unsteadiness in shock-induced boundary layer separation in a scramjet intake
Investigation of combustion characteristics of carbon coated aluminium nanoparticles
Development of solid electrolyte for sodium-sulfur battery
Phase-field modelling of microstructure evolution in Ti-6 Al-4V alloy during annealing
Brazing of ultra high temperature HfB2-ZrB2 based ceramics
Development of reconfigurable flat-panel metasurface antenna-phase 1
To develop biocompatabile materials with a wide supercooled liquid region in bulk metallic glass systems
Deep learning based quality improvement of Vnir hyperspectral images
Robust multi-view learning for extreme events detection & prediction in time series data