Engineering Sciences
Investigation of the high temperature deformation & creep behavior of Fe-Mn-AI-C low density steels
Development of 2d heterostructures based wear & corrosion-resistant coatings
Development & application of a Gpu based coupled Dem-Cfd model for predicting non-spherical particle dynamics & performance of mineral processing unit operations
Corrosion testing of fiber metal laminates using droplet cell microscopy
Towards 3-Tesla coercivity Nd-Fe-B magnets without dysprosium addition into the bulk
High strength hydrogels - synthesis, rheology & applications
High temperature fracture studies in single crystals - experiments & simulations
Effect of oblique non-uniform suction & injection on the global stability of the flat-plate boundary layer
Influence of hydrogen on fatigue & fracture performance of ferritic-martensitic steel (P91) both at room & elevated temperature
Measuring spatial inhomogeneity in porous electrodes for electrochemical energy storage systems