Engineering Sciences
Identification and Characterization of Genetic Biomarkers in Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) to Develop New Device for Early Detection of Primary and Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
A wearable system for quantitative assessment and recovery prediction during gait restoration in Parkinson's and cerebral ataxia patients
Commercialization of Indigenous Hemodialysis Cartridges for veterinary application and testing for human Hemodialysis
Fabrication of a wash free electrochemical lab on a chip for point of care early diagnostics simultaneous detection of multiple protein markers in women with rheumatoid arthritis
Smart wear for monitoring and treatment of gait disorder in parkinsonism
Development of Immunofluorescent Nanodiagnostic Assay as a point of care detection of Dengue virus
Development of portable dental smart phone pulse oximeter
Design and development of wearable electro-larynx with minimal human intervention and speech enhancer
Design and development of wearable biofeedback device for postnatal diastasis recti abdominis patients
Design and development of nanoscale integrated system along with conformal antenna as capsule prototype for wireless capsule endoscopy