Bilateral Cooperations


Govt. of India and Israel have agreed to step up the collaboration in the next two years by providing U.S. dollar 1 million from each side to support novel R&D projects in the cutting edge areas of ‘Big Data Analytics in Health Care’ and ‘Security in Cyber Space’. The joint projects would be awarded to the partnering academic and R&D laboratories from the two countries. As a part of these projects, student exchanges would be encouraged in order to connect the next generation and sustain the pipeline of future collaboration. Till date, India and Israel together have already implemented a large number of cutting edge research projects in applied areas covering Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology; Human Genomics; Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology; Imaging Sensor & Robotics; Solar Energy; Communication & Information Technology; and Lasers & Electro-optics.

Ministry : Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India