Programmes & Schemes

Academia Industry Partnerships

Programmes & Schemes Views

Total number of Record(s): 32
Title Ministry / Department
Venture Capital Funds Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
UAY (Ucchatar Avishkar Yojana) Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt of India
Technology Development Fund (TDF) Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Govt of India
Technology Acquisition Fund Programme (TAFP) Department of Heavy Industries (DHI)
Technology Acquisition & Development Fund (TADF) Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP)
TDB-TIFAC Partnership Technology Development Board (TDB)
TDB-PHDCCI Partnership Technology Development Board (TDB)
TDB-ICCO Partnership Technology Development Board (TDB)
TDB-CEFIPRA-Bpifrance Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India
TDB-Bpifrance Partnership Technology Development Board (TDB)
