Research & Testing Facilities
facilities View
Total number of Record(s): 88
Name of the Facility | Institute | Area | Type of facility | Type of measurement/ Analysis Available |
FT-NMR Spectrometer | Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi | Physical Sciences | Research | 1D and 2D NMR Spectra of all active nuclei, Decoupling, Gated decoupling, Inverse gated decoupling, DEPT, HMQC, HMBC, COSY, COSY with and without gradient, TOCSY, NOESY, Relaxation measurements etc. |
X-Ray Diffractometer (Powder) | Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi | Physical Sciences | Research | X-ray powder diffractograms Phase analysis Limited structure analysis Diffractograms from -150oC to +450oC Small angle X-ray scattering measurements in solids and liquids |
X-Ray Diffractometer (Single crystal) | Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi | Physical Sciences | Research | Single crystal structure analysis |
Liquid Nitrogen Plant | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | Liquid nitrogen for R&D work. |
CHN Elemental Analyser | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | C, H, N estimations of solid and liquid samples. |
CHNSO Elemental Analyzer | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | C, H, N, S, O estimation of solid and liquid samples. |
GLC | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | Nature of compound, solubility, melting point/boiling point, column (if known). |
Transmission Electron Microscope | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | High resolution imaging of biological samples only; Immunoelectron microscopy. |
Scanning Electron Microscope | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | 3D imaging of biological specimens only. |
Mass Spectromete | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | Chemical Sciences | Research | MALDI TOF MS; Capability to ionizemolecules upto 100 kDa (peptides, proteins, other biomolecules and polymers). |