Executive Summary : | Xanthomonas is a major group of plant pathogenic bacteria with nearly 30 species. X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is pathogenic species that infect rice and causes a serious disease known as bacterial leaf blight. Recently we reported X. sontii as another distinct species but not pathogenic to rice plants. Genetically and genomically X. sontii and X. oryzae are diverse. Interestingly X. sontii isolates were found to inhibit growth of X. oryzae both in-vivo and in-planta. The present proposal is aimed identification and genetic basis using forward and reverse genetic approaches of anti-Xoo property of X. sontii. Also unlike pathogenic X. oryzae that can grow only at 28oC, X.sontii can grow at both 28 oC and also 37oC. To understand adaptation, we also like to investigate the genes that are differentially expressed at different temperatures in X. sontii and at 28oC in both the species. These studies will provide insights into interaction and adapation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic species apart from understanding their ecology. The knowledge will be valuable in management of pathogenic and exploitation of non-pathogenic Xanthomonas in rice and other plants. |