Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Title : | Development of Chemical Signature for Purity and Authentication of Rudravanti (Astragalus candolleanus Royle) and its substitute (Cressa cretica L.) |
Area of research : | Life Sciences & Biotechnology |
Focus area : | Analytical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry |
Principal Investigator : | Dr. Karuna Shanker, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Uttar Pradesh |
Timeline Start Year : | 2023 |
Timeline End Year : | 2026 |
Contact info : | |
Executive Summary : | Rudanti or Rudravanti is described as one of the four chief Rasayanas in “Sharangdhar Samhita”. “Rudanti: is still dealing with its controvertible status due to misidentification. Different plants are claimed as “Rudanti” in different places of India. Among all the plants claimed as Rudravanti Astragalus candolleanus Royle and Cressa cretica L. are sharing the foremost position. Astragalus candolleanus (Fabaceae) is distributed in the high altitude Himalayan region and considered as a RET (Rare, Endangered, and Threatened) species. Morphological traits of Rudravanti defined in Raj-Nighantu closely resemble A. candolleanus. In some literature on medicinal plants of Ladakh and Uttarakhand Rudravanti has been identified as Astragalus species. The plant is being used in Ayurveda to treat tuberculosis, joint-pain, diabetes, and respiratory disorders. Substitute of Rudanti i.e. C. cretica is a perennial plant belonging to the family Convolvulaceae. It is a chemophytic excretive halophyte found in muddy and sandy saline habitats. Pharmacological studies reveal a number of therapeutic potentials of the plant including antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive, antifertility, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and nootropic. The plant has been shown to possess a diverse class of compounds including fatty acid, triterpenoids, flavanoids, and steroids coumarins, and lignans. A. candolleanus and C. cretica both are considered as Rudanti in different parts of the country as both have similar morphological traits and both represent the medicinal properties described in the literature for noble herb Rudanti. Additionally, a lot of chemicals have been isolated from C. cretica but these chemicals have not been tested for diverse pharmacological activities described for the plant to affirm the scientific background to verify the traditional knowledge as well as develop potential leads for plant-based future drugs. A. canolleanus is relatively unexplored in terms of its biological activities as well as the identification of its chemical matrix. Hence in the proposed project, the identification of chemotaxonomic markers from A. candolleanus and its substitute plants spp standard methodologies of phytochemical investigation. Secondary metabolites isolated from the plants will be used to define the chemical signature of the genuine Rudravanti and its substitutes. Finally, chemometric analysis will provide a quick tool for species differentiation based on the chemical signature. These studies will not only provide firm evidence for traditional assertions but also establish the identity and authenticity plant spp. Additionally, chemical ecological knowledge of the plant is expected to have immense significance in alternate therapies for future health challenges. |
Co-PI: | Dr. Kapil Dev, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226015, Dr. Neerja Tiwari, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226015 |
Total Budget (INR): | 41,92,128 |
Organizations involved