
Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Engineering Sciences

Title :

FMSAFE: A Networked Centre for Formal Methods in Validation and Certification Procedures for Safety Critical ICT Systems

Area of research :

Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Engineering Sciences

Focus area :

CAD for Reliability and Safety

Principal Investigator :

Pallab Dasgupta, Professor, Departmet of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Contact info :


Executive Summary :

Safety violations and cyber-attacks due to design or implementation errors in safety-critical systems are increasingly common. To tackle the extremely challenging task of safety verification of such systems, many industrial safety certification standards, including DO178C (avionics), ISO26262 (automotive), EN50128 (railways) and IEEE1228-1994 (software) recommend using formal methods. In India, formal methods for safety-critical-system validation is not widely practiced, possibly due to lack of established frameworks and tools, trained manpower and a concerted national effort to build such frameworks. Furthermore, deployment of indigenous software and systems in safety-critical applications has been significantly impaired due to lack of in-house competence in formal validation and certification in niche technology domains. We propose a networked center as a national effort for developing formal verification practices for safety-critical ICT systems, leveraging leading expertise from three IITs. Our deliverables include efficient formal tools and frameworks for verification and reverse engineering for vulnerability discovery and remediation.


Dr. Sandeep Shukla, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, Prof. Supratik Chakraborty, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, P P Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, Soumyajit Dey, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, Indranil Saha, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Total Budget (INR):


Organizations involved