Executive Summary : | Objective: Determine the role and action mechanisms of senescence associated secretory phenotypes/proteins (SASPs) in loss of dynamic synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter functions in ageing and Alzheimer's- Dementia (WP-1). Determine if adult neurogenesis can compensate for progressive neurodegeneration (WP- 2). . Elucidate the role of central arterial stiffness in ageing induced dementia and neurodegeneration (WP-3) . Functional characterization of C. e/egans genes hlh-17 and ptr-10, orthologous to human glial cell marker genes olig-2 and PTCHD1 (WP-4) . Investigating protein aggregation related signaling pathways in dopaminergic and cholinergic neuronal death (WP-5). Targeting angiogenic axis to alleviate cognitive impairment in cerebral stroke (WP-6). |