
Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 5828
Title Principal Investigator Start Year Funding Agency Focus Area
TRAIL conjugated oxaliplatin hybrid drug delivery for targeting DR4 & DR5 receptor for management of colorectal cancer Dr. N.R. Bhuyan Principal Himalayan Pharmacy Institute Sikkim 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Understanding the citrus tristeza virus resistance mechanisms in citrus species & development of disease-free quality planting material of khasi mandarin (citrus reticulata blanco) from north east India Dr. N.T. Meetei Assistant Professor Central Agricultural University Meghalaya 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Development of a real time crop advisory system exploiting nanotechnology based nitrogen sensor with Internet of Farming (IoF) framework Dr. P. Mishra Birla Institute of Technology & Science (Pilani ) Rajasthan 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Development of MOF/QD based optical sensor for determination of phosphate in agricultural land to facilitate effective crop cultivation Dr. N. Dilbaghi Professor Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology Haryana 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Fabrication of real time in planta biosensors for presymptomatic detection of heavy metal toxicity Dr. R.G. Moulick Assistant Professor Amity Institute of Biotechnology Amity University Haryana 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Synthesis & analysis of polyamine coated ZNO nanoparticle formulations for seed priming to raise drought tolerance in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Dr. G. Shanmugham Associate Professor Bharathiar University Tamil Nadu 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Development of non-destructive process technology for simultaneous micronutrient fortification & bioavailability enhancement in Dal through selective binding of phytic acid Dr. A. Roy Birla Institute of Technology (Mesra) Jharkhand 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Geriatric chronic cerebral hypo perfusion- Role of short chain fatty acids supplementation on gut-brain axis function, protein misfolding, autophagy & cognition Dr. S.B. Chidambaram Associate Professor J.S.S. College of Pharmacy Karnataka 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Human milk based human milk fortifier for preterm infants Dr. T.A.P. Paulose Assistant Professor Bishop Moore College Mavelikara Kerala 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
Novel enzymatic strategy for synthesizing human milk oligosaccharides for promoting health of infants Dr. R.P. Singh Fellow Gujarat Biotechnology University Gujarat 2020 Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) Research & Development (R&D)
