All Research Areas
Research Agricultural
Total number of Record(s): 21385
Title | Principal Investigator | Start Year | Funding Agency | Focus Area |
Developing energy efficient processing technologies for spices | Dr. E. Jayashree, Scientist, Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR), Kozhikode | 2013 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Agriculture |
Chemoprofiling of Myristica species for nutraceutical and medicinal properties | Dr. N. K. Leela, Scientist, Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR), Kozhikode | 2013 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Agriculture |
Studies on biotic stress under crop management practices in rice-wheat cropping system | Dr. V. K. Choudhary, Scientist, National Institute of Biotic Stress Management (NIBSM), Raipur | 2013 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Weed Science Agronomy |
Standardization of plantation techniques for major forest plant species in Madhya Pradesh | N P S Nain, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P O R F R C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2013 | Madhya-Pradesh-Forest-Department(MPFD), India | Plantation techniques |
Empowering tribal community through Lac cultivation in Madhya Pradesh | Nanita Berry, Scientist, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P O R F R C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2013 | Madhya Pradesh State Forest Department, Bhopal (M.P.) | Managing forests and forests products for livelihood support and economic growth |
Standardization of plantation techniques for major forest plant species in Madhya Pradesh | Sanjay Singh, Technical Officer, Tropical Forest Research Institute, P O R F R C, Mandla Road, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | 2013 | Madhya Pradesh State Forest Department, Bhopal (M.P.) | Managing forests and forests products for livelihood support and economic growth |
Documentation of important research findings and technologies for applications to forestry in Rajasthan | G Singh, Scientist, Arid Forest Research Institute, Post Office Kirshi Upaz Mandi, New Pali Road, Jodhpur, Rajasthan | 2013 | State Forestry Department, Rajasthan | Research findings and technologies |
Utilization of Biotechnological tools for clonal propagation and supply of genetically superior trees of neem, ardusa and bamboo | I D Arya, Scientist, Arid Forest Research Institute, Post Office Kirshi Upaz Mandi, New Pali Road, Jodhpur, Rajasthan | 2013 | State Forestry Department, Rajasthan | Biotechnological tools |
Productivity enhancement of Kair (Capparis decidua) to generate livelihood in rural area of 'Thar Desert' | Ranjana Arya, Scientist, Arid Forest Research Institute, Post Office Kirshi Upaz Mandi, New Pali Road, Jodhpur, Rajasthan | 2013 | State Forestry Department, Rajasthan | Productivity enhancement of Kair |
Studies of host-pathogen interaction between M. phaseolina & F. moniliforme (stalk rot pathogens) in maize and Identification of sources of resistance | Dr. Meena Shekhar, Scientist, Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR), Ludhiana | 2013 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi | Plant Pathology |