
All Research Areas

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 21502
Title Principal Investigator Start Year Funding Agency Focus Area
Jet noise field for an supersonic under-expanded jet Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Vibro-Acoustics
Investigation of launch vehicle base flow-field in presence of supersonic under expanded multijet 6 environment at various external free stream flow conditions Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Aerodynamic Design and Analysis
Development of a compact, lightweight regenerable adsorbent for carbon dioxide capture Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Gas Absorbent Materials
Evaluation of mixed mode fracture toughness of high strength aerospace materials Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Material Characterisation
Noble metal coating over Carbon-Carbon composites Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru High Temperature Materials
Development of thermoplastic liners for helium gas bottle Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Thermoplastic Polymers
Inelastic finite element model of multidirectional carbon-carbon composites to predict the material characteristics and behaviours Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Carbon-Carbon Composites
Process optimization of isothermal CVI process Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Carbon-Carbon Composites
Development of C-SiC composite through CVI using monomethyl silane Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Carbon-Carbon Composites
Solidification behavior and grain refinement of cast superalloys Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Physical Metallurgy
