
All Research Areas

Research Agricultural

Total number of Record(s): 21502
Title Principal Investigator Start Year Funding Agency Focus Area
3D Modelling of arban areas/3D city modelling Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru 3 D modeling and visualization
GNSS data processing for geodynamics study Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru GNSS, Crustal deformation, strain budget, the Himalayas
Utilization of remotely sensed data for species and vegetation health assessment and development of indices for urban green spaces Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Urban Vegetation studies
Understanding the initiation of solar eruptions through numerical modeling Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Solar Physics, Computational Physics
Study of flares in regular and isolated active regions Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Solar Physics
Observational studies of solar photospheric and chromospheric activities Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Solar Physics
Automatic detection of solar features such as sunspots, filaments and extraction of their attributes Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Solar Physics
Study of vertical distribution of atmospheric water vapor, temperature and stratosphere-troposphere exchange using Lidar Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Atmospheric Sciences
Space weather Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Space weather
Quantum sensors and quantum metrology Department of Space (DOS) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Government of India, Bangaluru Singular Optics and Quantum Optics
