Technology for Societal Impact
Rural Technology
Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology | Developing Agency |
Delayed Coking of Petroleum Residual Fractions | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
LOBS through NMP Extraction | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Dewaxing/Deoiling, Revamping | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Butylated Hydroxy Hydro Cinamates (ODBHC), (PDHBC) | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Propane Deasphalting | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Energy Efficient De-Asphalting Process using Supercritical Solvent Recovery | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Lube oil Refining | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Improved LPG Stove | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
Dual Fuel Industrial Low Air Pressure Burner | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
55 hp Wankel Rotary Combustion Engine | CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (NAL), Chandigarh |