Astronomy & Space Sciences

Astronomy & Space Sciences

National Aerospace Propulsion Conference (NAPC) 2018

The National Aerospace Propulsion Conference (NAPC) is a national conference with focus on aerospace propulsion technologies. The conference is an amalgamation of the erstwhile conducted National Propulsion Conference (NPC) and National Conference on Air-Breathing Engines (NCABE) conferences. This conference is intended to bring together the entire propulsion community spanning air-breathing and non-air-breathing propulsion. The conference will be an ideal opportunity to showcase one's research activities with peers and also foster future collaborations through networking.

Quantum mechanics and geometry of spacetime

Black holes are fascinating objects which pose interesting puzzles for quantum physics. Studying these puzzles we are led to quantum mechanical models that describe special black holes as seen from the outside. Extrapolating from these descriptions we are lead to the idea that entanglement can create geometric connections or wormholes. Moreover, quantum teleportation can be interpreted as travelling through the wormhole.


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