Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Transmission Electron Microscope

Make Model: 
Hitachi H- 7500
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Internal structure of any thin section, film, replica or particulate material
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Resolution: 0.204 nm Lattice image 0.36 nm point to point
Magnification: 6,00,000X (with HC, HR) with CCD camera and plate film camera
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Electron Microscope, film, replica

Scanning Electron Microscope

Make Model: 
Jeol JSM 6100
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Surface topographic/morphological studies of microstructures on bulk specimens of biological/other materials; Micrographs on 35 mm film; SEI, BEI images; Image analysis.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Resolution: upto 40 oA
Acc. voltage: upto 30 kV
Magnification: upto 3,00,000 (with back scattered electron detector)
Carbon coating unit
Sputtering unit
Automatic tissue processor
Critical point dryer
Freeze drying unit
Type of facility: 
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Meta Tagging: 
Punjab University, Electron Microscope, Topography, Morphology


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