Physical Sciences
Next Generation, Cutting-Edge Indigenous EUVL Resist Technology for Semiconductor Industry
Flexible tactile sensors for robotics and biomedical applications
Generating Functional Quality Textured Surfaces using Electrical Discharge machining for medical machining applications
Development of low frequency noise control sheet absorber: A biomimetic solution
Technology Development for 600V normally OFF Gallium Nitride Transistor for realiable power electronic systems
Development of Nanocatalysts for the preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide for practical use in PEM fuel cells
Development of Codeposition electrolyte system for deposition of Binary and Ternary Sn-Ag-Cu based leadfree solder alloys for PCB applications
Development of a Prototype DC NonTransferred Arc Plasma Reactor for Converting Zircon to Zirconia
Development of DLC AntiReflective Coating for Infra Red Windows
Development of a Dual Frequency Microwave system for the processing of polymer composite products