Physical Sciences
Design and Development of Mask-less/ Direct Printing PCB Prototyping Machine
SemiconIndia Conference 2022
The aim of this conference is to make India a global hub for Semiconductor Design, Manufacturing and Technology Development which will help propel the vision of India Semiconductor Mission.
Indo Japan workshop on Seismic Vulnerability of Building systems
The main objective of the Indo Japan workshop is to highlight the importance and added value of the collaborative research in the field of earthquake engineering as well as the relevance of Indo Japan collaboration for the state-of-the-art large research testing infrastructures for the seismic risk reduction for the population.
International Symposium on nonlocal mechanics approaches for modeling localized deformations
This symposium is intended to provide graduate students, engineers, and researchers working in aerospace, automotive, civil, mechanical engineering, and materials and manufacturing industries with the theory and applications of nonlocal mechanics approaches for modeling localized elastic and inelastic deformations.
Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition
The central theme of the conference is to bring the structural integrity community across different engineering streams to a common platform and discuss the recent trends and future directions of research.
Short Term Course on Flow Visualisation and Measurement Techniques in the Incompressible and Compressible Flows
The objective of this course is to demonstrate the theoretical details of several advanced intrusive and non-intrusive type flow
measurement and visualisation techniques including Particle Image Velocimetry, Laser Doppler Velocimetery, Hot-Wire Anemometry, Schlieren Imaging etc. for both the incompressible and compressible flow regimes. The lecture materials will also highlight flow-field experiments on steady, unsteady, fixed and moving boundary fluid-solid interaction problems.
International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulations of Multi-scale Transport Phenomena
The aim of this conference/workshop is to investigate transport processes inside porous media and bring together the leading experts (both national and international) from this field to talk about modeling, analysis and numerical schemes of these transport processes.
Short term course on Acoustics and Lighting Design in Built Environment
The main objective of the course is to impart knowledge about the application of acoustics and lighting in buildings. The deliberation will emphasize on the principles of acoustical design and applications in various buildings like auditorium, lecture hall, studios etc. The course will further provide a comprehensive understanding of daylight design in buildings according to norms of provided by ECBC. The Interior artificial lighting types, design and techniques will also be explained.
Short Term Course on Latest opencast and underground mining technology, mines safety and legislation
This online course shall benefit heavily the total mining community as a whole (For both metal and coal and underground and opencast mines).
Workshop on Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave
This workshop aims at providing a gentle introduction to the fundamental and practical aspects of scientific computing with MATLAB. As many users do not have access to MATLAB, which is proprietary software, the workshop shall also cover Octave programming that has a syntax similar to MATLAB and can be used as an open-source alternative. Both theoretical and hands-on practical aspects shall be covered comprehensively. Besides demonstrating the implementation of numerical algorithms from scratch, the workshop will also include built-in tools for higher-level usage.