Physical Sciences
Exciton manipulation in layered dichalcogenides- group II-VI semiconductor nanostructured materials
Curve crossing problems: Semi-analytical method for arbitrary coupling
Organic-inorganic hybrids for photochromic photocatalytic and antioxidant applications
Development of low cost accelerated water purification systems with added mineralisation for Himalayan region
Non- linear active shape and vibration control of functionally graded structure using functionally graded piezoelectric material
A comparative study on microscopic structure and dynamics near glass transition in linear polymer melt at low & high densities
Modelling of hydraulic diffusivity and its application in the FE simulation of moisture transport in concrete for assessing corrosion risk
Exploring the tunability of magnetic structure in multiferroic compounds YBa1-xsrxcufeo5 (0? x? 0.6 and lnbacufeo5 (ln = d, Ho, yb) by employing temprature dependent neutron diffraction
Nanoplasmonic SERS substrate design for trace analysis and detection
Study of Nernst effect in the superconductors and semi-metallic compounds