Physical Sciences
Fabrication of large are (1cm x 1 cm) uniform, pin hole free and highly efficient (upto 18%) stable perovskite solar cells
Design and Development of open air compatible state-of- the-art solar selective coating for high temperature concentrated solar thermal power generation applications
Lead free Perovskites for stable and high efficient photovoltaic devices
Development of new interfacial layers for efficient and stable excitonic solar cells
Energy storage integration with the grid at high power level
Design and development of solar- thermal and thermal- electrical hybrid system
Next generation highly efficient and long term stable solar cell: Organic-Inorganic perovskite solar cell
Design and development of Carbon nanotubes based tandem absorber for high temperature solar thermal applications
Fabrication and study of perovskite solar cells by ultrasonic spray coating technique with targeted efficiency- 15%
Brush less DC Machine based solar pumping system