Physical Sciences
Development and characterization of PCM-based thermal energy storage for solar process heat applications
Development of high C-rate Li- ion batteries for wireless gadgets
Strong NIR absorbing BODIPY incorporated Ru and Porphyrin dyes for design of efficient dye- sensitized solar cells (DSCs)
Copper Zinc Tin Sulfo-selenide [Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4] based Radial heterojunction solar cells for integration into flexible and C-Si substrates
Design, fabrication and damage tolerance study of stretchable Organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs)”
Investigation of new hole transporting materials for efficient perovskite Organic- Inorganic hybrid solar cell
Development and demonstration of high energy density valve- regulated lead a cid(VRLA) batteries for remote area power supply (RAPS) and electric vehicles (Evs)
Technology development in solar thermal power plant and its demonstration for Rural electrification and energy need
Installation of solar panels on Science express
Design and development of cost efficient solar receiver tube for medium and high temperature solar thermal applications