Physical Sciences
Modeling and experimental investigation of half-metallic epitaxial films based on Heusler alloys for spin-injection terahertz and far-infrared photonics
Development of high performance computational codes and their applications for numerical simulation in compressible fluid dynamics and rarefied gas dynamics
Observational signature of super massive black Holes: TeV blazars in multi- wavelength view
Highly accurate digital holographic microscope cell classification by noise reduction and deep learning
Investigation of interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), pure and substituted: A combined approach
From laboratory to conservation site
AstroSat: A new window on general relativity
Precision physics at the CERN Large Hardon Collider (LHC)
Strong light-matter interactives in active metallic nanoantennas
Leptons from heavy flvour hadron decays in proton-porton collisions at the LHC