Physical Sciences
Generation of ultra-short laser pulses by parametric instabilities
Computational study of the role of elastic anisotropy surface stress and Compositional seggregation in Ge-Si coherent heteroepitaxial growth
Quark Hadron duality in neutrino duality in neutrino scattering form nucleons and nuclei
Kinetic of electostatic waves in dustry plasmas
X-ray properties of accretion flows and estimation of fundamental parameters of black hole binaries
Bottom up nanobiocomposite film of protein polymer and nanoparticles by langmuir bldget/layer by layer techique for pesticies sensing applications
An investigation on certain emerging aspects of metal insulator transitionin thin oxide films
Large scale Anisotropy in the Universe
Design and development of optical microfiber based acoustic sensors for under/over water applications
Studies on vortex dynamics in Bose Einstein condensates