Physical Sciences
Low cost energy saving electrochromic devices based on nanostructured conducting polymers for energy storing smart windows
Investigation of multiferroicity in strain engineered thin films of orthoferrites RFeO3 (R=Lu, Sm, Y) role of uniform strain versus large strain gradient
Development of lead free Perovskite piezoceramics by cost effective crystallographic texture approach
Enhancement of ferrolectric and magnetolectric effect in GdMnO3 by rare earth substitution
Experiments on the collective dyamics of interacting chemo mechanical oscillators
C and L band interferometer as galaxy cluster observatory pathfinder
Modeling reactivity at nanoscale
Development of superhydrophilic graphene/semiconductor oxide nanohybrids for self-cleaning applications
Devasthal optical telescope - AGN reverberation monitoring (DOTARM): Probing AGN black-hole masses and broad line regions
Understanding the perpetual points in nonlinear dynamical systems