Physical Sciences
Investigation on the nonlinear dynamics of magnetic skyrmions
Isovector splitting of nuclean effective mass the density slope of symmetry energy and the equation of state of neutorn matter an appraisal from bulk empirical
Dymamical Cluster decay model for the decay of hot and rotating or non rotating compund nucleus
Improvising the stability and capacity of spinel ferrites for Li batteries
Effect of interface strainand phonon confiement on thermal conductivity and thermoelectric efficiency of GaN/GaN superlattices
Study of optimization of absorder geometry for traking chambers of much of CBM and its phyiscs performance of FAIR energies
Nanostrctured iron based mixed oxide photovoltaic thin films
Study of E coli chemiotaxis at the single cell level a statistical physics approach
Explorint the dynamics control mechanisms and novel structures in certain PT symmetri system
Unidirectional growth and characterization of high quality nonlinear optical (NLO) hydrazone derivative single crystals for second harmonic generation (SHG) device applications