Physical Sciences
Investigation angular coherence of one photon and entangled two photon fields for quantum information based applications
Fluid gel transition in membranes of attractive colloidal rods
Fabrication and characterization of Piezoelectric nanocrystals organic hybrid sheet for energy harvesting and pressure sensor
At the doorsteps of new physics: Beyond the standard model through dark matter neutrino mass, and extra dimensions
Electromagnetic based ultra thin film sensors
Active Micromixer mediated controlled sysnthesis of polymeric nanoparticles in situ drug loading and their effect on fungal cells
Invstigation of Li+ion conducting glass-ceramics containing NASICON structured nano crystallites
Study of charged particle interaction with Fullerences and bio molecules
Investigation of luminescence property and scintilation mechanisms of 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl-1,3-butadience organic scintillation single crystal for fast neutron detection
Investigation of thermal Bi-stability and related dyamics in superconducting weak link based devices