Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences

FT-NMR Spectrometer

Make Model: 
Bruker 400 Avance III
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
1D and 2D NMR Spectra of all active nuclei, Decoupling, Gated decoupling, Inverse gated decoupling, DEPT, HMQC, HMBC, COSY, COSY with and without gradient, TOCSY, NOESY, Relaxation measurements etc.
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
400 MHz Frequency UltraShield Superconducting Magnet 9.4 T BBFO Probehead Variable Temp range -80 to +130oC
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Spectrometer, Superconducting magnet, DEcoupling

X-Ray Diffractometer (Powder)

Make Model: 
Bruker AXS D8 Advance
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
X-ray powder diffractograms Phase analysis Limited structure analysis Diffractograms from -150oC to +450oC Small angle X-ray scattering measurements in solids and liquids
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
Max. usable angular range: 30 to 1350 Diffrac plus software Wavelength: 1.5406 A0 PDF 2 and Topaz P available Lynx Eye Detector Low/ High Temp. Attachment (-150 to +450oC) SAXS Attachment
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Defractometer, X-ray

X-Ray Diffractometer (Single crystal)

Make Model: 
Bruker AXS Kappa APEX II CCD
Type of measurement/ Analysis Available: 
Single crystal structure analysis
Major Specifications/ Accessories available: 
KAPPA 4 Axis Goniometer KRYO-FLEX Low Temp Device Structure Elucidation Software SHELXTL
Type of facility: 
Sophisticated Test and Instrumentation Centre, Kochi
Meta Tagging: 
STIC, Defractometer, Crystal analysis

CSIR Young Scientist Awards

CSIR Young Scientist Awards were introduced in 1987, seeking to promote in-house excellence in various fields of science and technology. These awards are for promoting excellence and recognising outstanding contributions made by the young CSIR scientists for their work done primarily in India during the last 5 yrs preceding the year of the Award.

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology

Named after the founder Director of CSIR, the late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, this prestigious award was instituted in the year 1957. SSB award is given each year in recognition of outstanding Indian work in science and technology. SSB Prize of Rs 5 Lakh each are awarded annually for notable and outstanding research, fundamental or applied in the concerned discipline.

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology

Named after the founder Director of CSIR, the late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, this prestigious award was instituted in the year 1957. SSB award is given each year in recognition of outstanding Indian work in science and technology. SSB Prize of Rs 5 Lakh each are awarded annually for notable and outstanding research, fundamental or applied in the concerned discipline. This award is open to any citizen of India engaged in research in any field of science and technology up to the age of 45 yrs as reckoned on 31st Dec of the year preceding the year of the Prize.

CSIR Young Scientist Awards

CSIR Young Scientist Awards were introduced in 1987, seeking to promote in-house excellence in various fields of science and technology. These awards are for promoting excellence and recognising outstanding contributions made by the young CSIR scientists for their work done primarily in India during the last 5 yrs preceding the year of the Award. Each award consists of a citation, a cash prize of Rs.50,000 and a plaque. Awardees are entitled to a Special Honorarium of Rs.7,500 per month till the age of 45 years, as long as the recipient remains in the service of CSIR.

Teachers Associateship For Research Excellence (TARE)

The Teachers Associateship For Research Excellence (TARE) scheme aims to facilitate mobility of faculty members working in a regular capacity in State Universities / Colleges and in private Academic Institutions to carryout research work in established public funded institutions such as IITs, IISc, IISERS, National Institutions (NITs, CSIR, ICAR, ICMR labs and other central institutions) and Central Universities.


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