Physical Sciences
Study of laboratory plasma through the detailed collisional radiative model & reliable cross-section data calculated for different atomic processes
Solid-state thin film rechargeable batteries with solid electrolyte to achieve a wider electrochemical/thermal stability, better safety & long cycle lives with good capacity retention
Developmnt of particle identification set-up for multi-nucleon transfer reactions
Photonic metasurfaces for applications in diffraction & imaging
Controlling heat flow at nanoscale- A versatile approach to generate sustainable energy from waste heat
Generation & assessment of optically addressable point defects in sillicon carbide for new quantum technologies
New applications on deformed shell model
Studies on disorder induced quantized vortex dynamics & quantum turbulence in Bose-Einstein condensates
Development of doped nano-chromites for enhancement of magnetodielectric properties
Tailored microswimmers- Tuning dynamics & non-equilibrium phase behavior