Physical Sciences
Nonlinear dynamics (Nld) of long range anti correlated chaotic oscillations in plasmas & application of nonlinear dynamics to condensed matter & dark matter research, Geo-Chemical oscillations from hot springs & chaos control
Quantum tunnel heterostructure with multiferroic BiO.5naO.5ti1-Xmxo3 (M=Co, Ni, Fe & Mn) barrier for high speed & efficient four state resistance memories
Deciphering the role of entrance channel parameters in break-up fusion reactions
Novel nuclear structure studies with modern theoretical approaches
Shedding light on dark matter interactions through Cmb, supernovae & global 21 Cm (Edges) experiments data
Development & characterization of metal reduced carbon nanomaterials - composite nanofibrous membrane for paper based optical biosensor for Malaria detection
Photo-ionization structures of (Wr) Pne & Non-(Wr) Pne
Investigation of the spin current driven excitations in antiferromagnets
Experimental exploration of complex flows & material properties in granular & biopolymer-based active matter systems
Development of ultrasensitive Mems magentic sensors for flexible electronics