Physical Sciences
Exploration of physical properties of Heusler alloys - A prospective class of multi-functional material
Development of Pt-based ternary Oxygen reduction reaction(Orr) catalyst with low Pt loading by simultaneous sputtering method for Proton exchange membrane (Pem) fuel cell
Investigations on ferroelectric & optical properties of some rare-earth based metal-organic frameworks
Thermodynamics of spin-chain- A quantum mechanical approach
Ionic-copolymer melts- Behaviour near electrified interface, structural reorganization & response under mechanical shear
Microscopic study of shape evolution & exotic nuclear phenomena in even-even nuclei in the mass region A=120
Study of driven quantum systems- Floquet engineering of novel materials
Charge transfer dynamics in non-fullerene small molecule organic solar cell
Generation of isolated attosecond pulse of light & its application in investigating attosecond dynamics of small quantum systems
Designer thin film heterostructure of quantum materials