Physical Sciences
Study of very-high energy gamma rays from galactic sources with grapes-3 observatory
Constraining equation of state of the neutron stars with multi-messenger astrophysics
The neutrino portal to unraveling fundamental new physics
Topological states in the iron-based superconductors
Light-driven micromotors for rapid detection of very low concentration bacteria & microplastic pollutants in water using sers
Rheological behavior of the concomitant self-assembly of protein/peptides promoted by water soluble inorganic nanomaterials- A fundamental advanced towards the central dogma of parkinson's disease
Advanced Water-in-salt aqueous electrolytes for high voltage hybrid supercapacitors
Development of hybrid energy materials for photocatalysis- Environment remediation & energy production
In-silico high-throughput study of ultra-thin nanostructures for sustainable & renewable energy
Perovskite based flexible thermoelectric power generators for portable power systems