Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Title: | Control Module for Touch-based Finger Gesture Controlled Intelligent Patient Vehicle |
Area: | Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Manufacturing of Intelligent Patient Vehicle |
Social Benefits: | Finger gesture based alternative drive controller requires no force to activate and drive. Indigenously developed with optional rear obstacle detection. Compatible with the available wheelchair chassis or mobility assistive devices at affordable price. |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh |
Technology Readiness Index: | Technology Development |
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Brief Description
Description : | Due to the absence of care-givers, currently available mobility solutions needs to be upgraded using alternative drive controls to help make independent mobility possible. The imported version of general purpose motion controllers comes with stiff Joysticks only and are very costly due to which the wheelchair manufacturing in India is expensive at the moment. |
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