Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology | Developing Agency |
Lube oil Refining | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
LungIQ: Precision Insights from Lung CTs | Predible Health Private Limited |
Lutein Rich Multipurpose Ready Mix | CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Karnataka |
Lyfas mobile app | Acculi Labs Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru |
m-health screening and telemedicine platform | Candiphi Healthcare, Bengaluru, Karnataka |
Machine for Decortication of Hirda Fruits | Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay |
Machine Learning based smart mobile application for detecting clinical dental fluorosis | Jss Dental College And Hospital, Karnataka |
Machinery for harvesting fruits | Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru |
Machinery for nursery of vegetable and fruit crop | Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru |
Machinery for pickle making | Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bengaluru |