
Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences


Process for Making Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete Using Solid form Ingredients for Rigid Pavement Roads


Earth, Atmosphere & Environment Sciences, Material Sciences, Chemical Sciences

Focus Area:

Geopolymer Concrete



Social Benefits:

The above Know - How developed utilizing Industrial waste generated from Coal based thermal power plants i.e. Fly Ash , Bulk utilization of industrial waste i.e. Fly Ash, Developed Fly Ash basded Geopolymer concrete possesses improved engineering properties as compared to conventional cement concrete, No water curing is required for strength development, Eco-Friendly process : about 80% less CO2 emission as compared to conventional cement concrete, Energy efficient process - Can be made at ambient temperature (35-450C approximately), Road gets ready for traffic after 7 days of ambient drying, Geopolymer Concrete Road can be made using Conventional road making Plants/Machineries, The developed process of making advanced Geopolymeric concrete will be useful for making eco-friendly and low maintenance rigid pavement roads.

Developing Agency:

CSIR-Advance Material and Process Research Institute (AMPRI), New Delhi

Technology Readiness Index:

Technology Development

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Brief Description

Description :

The Know-How Developed utilizing huge availability of Industrial Waste such as fly ash through a wider spectrum potential in the form of geo-polymeric approach. This will find application in development of Fly Ash based Advanced GeopolymericConcrete for making all weather roads in India. The major Stake Holders are: 1. Fly Ash generating Industries (Thermal Power Plants) . 2. Infrastructure developers . 3. Construction Industries . 4. Industrial waste generating industries . Prospective Application Agencies/Benefeciaries: 1. National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) . 2. Central Public Work Department (CPWD) . 3.Rural Road Development Authorities . 4. Smart City Development Corporations . 5. Airport Authority of India . 6. Boader Road Organization (BRO) . 7. Ministry of Environment Forest Climate Change (MoEFCC)

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