Title: | Process for Production of High Purity Magnesia |
Area: | Chemical Sciences |
Focus Area: | Production of Magnesia |
Patent: | AU2006337405, EP1986957, IN260199, JP5102780, US7811535 |
Social Benefits: | Superior refractory properties at high temperature operations
, Suitable for LD converter for primary steelmaking
, High purity magnesia is suitable for extraction of Magnesium metal, Effluent to comply with statutory norms, Conservation of fresh water |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Gujarat |
Technology Readiness Index: | Technology Development |
Email: | director@csmcri.res.in |
Website Link : | http://www.csmcri.org |
Source (more info) : | https://t.ly/l_sb |