Total number of Record(s): 3282
Name of Technology | Developing Agency |
Mustard variety: CS 60 | Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal, Haryana 132001 |
MYCONIL - Anti-fungal Cream | CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Uttar Pradesh |
Myoelecric Arm | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh |
Myometer | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh |
Mzon smart gas stove | Mzon Craft Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Bihar |
MZON SMART GAS STOVE | Mzon Craft Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Bettiah, Bihar, |
Na/Ca Sulphonate, EP Additive Feed Stocks for Detergents/dispersant Additives | CSIR-Indian Institute of Pertroleum (IIP), Uttarakhand |
NAARI - Aromatic, Biodegradable, Infection-Preventing Sanitary Pad | CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow |
NAARI- Skin Hygienic Medicated Sanitary Pad | CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Uttar Pradesh |
NAL FOQA Flight Data Analysis System | CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (NAL), Chandigarh |