
Agricultural Sciences


Resham Keet Oushadh (R.K.O.)


Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology

Focus Area:

Silkworm bed disinfectant, Silkworm diseases treatment

Brief Description

Description :

Resham Keet Oushadh (RKO is a bed disinfectant which can be applied on the silkworm rearing bed to inactivate pathogenic microbes responsible for muscardine, Grasserie and nuclear polyhedrosis diseases in silkworm. RKO is economical and its usage increases the cocoon yield on an average of 7.00 kg per 100 diseases free layings (dfls). It is easy to use and has no adverse effect on silkworm health, human beings and domestic animals. The quantity of RKO required for treating 100 dfl’s is 3.25 kg. RKO is produced from locally available chemicals and the shelf life of RKO is six months from the date of manufacture.

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