
Engineering Sciences


Spouted Bed Coffee Roaster


Engineering Sciences

Focus Area:

Food Industry



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Developing Agency:

CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute

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Brief Description

Description :

The spouted bed technique is an alternate to fluid bed, although the areas of application of a spouted bed overlaps with fluid bed, the mechanism are different. There is very good solid mixing, effective gas particle contact facilitating high temperature short time processing high temperature short time (HTST) processing. The spouted bed technique has been developed primarily for solids for better performance. The Importance of the spouted bed technology, are heat would be applied as quickly as possible resulting enhanced aroma & flavour, retention of high organoleptic and nutritional attributes in the product. Having made the roasting chamber transparent degree of roasting (colour analysis) can easily be controlled. Spouted Bed Roaster that works on HTST principle removes unwanted materials such as dust & dirt, while roasting to yield the best product. With these special features of the machine, it is observed that the HTST processing technique gives higher percentage of soluble solid than the commercial drum roasted samples

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