Description : | A state-of-the-art Air Quality and Weather Forecast System gives real-time air quality index on 24x7 basis with colour coding. It has been combined with the early warning system on weather parameters. The system includes:
AIR QUALITY: Location Specific current and 1-3 days advance Air Quality Forecasting.
Advisories for Human Health for PM1, PM10, PM2.5, O3, NO2, NO, NOx, CO, BC, OC, Hg, Benzene, Toulene, Xylene.
WEATHER: Location Specific current and 1-3 days advance weather forecasting for temperature, rainfall, humidity, winds speed, wind direction, and UV-Radiations.
HARMFUL RADIATION: Location Specific current UV-index Information at city level. Advisories for impact of Human Skin.
EMISSION SCENARIO: Generating emission load by various pollution sources at 1km x 1km resolution at city level for hot spot and mitigation. |