Title: | Value-added Syrups from Palm Neera and Coconut Neera |
Area: | Agricultural Sciences, Life Sciences & Biotechnology |
Focus Area: | Food Industry |
Social Benefits: | Our products are prepared with no preservatives and can be used as substitute for ghur. |
Developing Agency: | CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Kerala |
Technology Readiness Index: | Technology Development |
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Brief Description
Description : | Syrups prepared from saps of coconut and palmyra palm can be used for sweetening coffee, as toppings, and can be a healthy substitute for ghur prepared from the sap of the palm and coconut tree. The same process can be adopted for making syrup from sugar cane juice and the syrup made so can be a substitute for cane juice jaggery which is prepared by adding various additives for clarification and solidification. Our products are prepared with no preservatives. |